Museum of Science & Industry
A Cleaner, More Presentable Facility

Ed McDonald, Director of Facilities and Operations at the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry, knew that just because he worked at one of the largest science centers in the Western hemisphere, it didn’t mean the restrooms had to be laboratories for germs and odors.

Museum of Science and Industry
“We want to have each guest feel as if they have entered into our home - a clean, friendly and memorial making experience.”
Ed McDonald
Director of Facilities and Operations
Ed Mcdonald
Download the Case Study

See how Chicago's MSI is tackling germs and odors in its restrooms, and read what Ed McDonald believes about the future of clean air, and his cleaner facility, in the complete case study.

“We want to have each guest feel as if they have entered into our home - a clean, friendly and memorial making experience.”
Ed McDonald
Director of Facilities and Operations
Ed McDonald